I have been neglecting my blog alot! I keep saying that I will be more active and then life takes over. I recently started the 40 Day Prosperity Plan and I have been having good results as far as my mindset. It is a great way of rewiring your mind to see that abundance comes from within and from the source. With this plan and Uranus trining my natal mercury (a very long transit!), my creative juices are flowing. For those who are not familiar with astrology, here is a definition:
Uranus Trine Mercury from futureminders.com
Uranus Trine Mercury
This time is filled with exciting and stimulating mental activity, and you’re more open to new and progressive ideas. You feel bored with conventional thinking and your mind is much more restless and active. You tend to be impatient with other people who don’t talk or think as fast as you and may need a healthy outlet for your increased nervous energy. You may initiate an educational project that exposes you to a completely new subject or challenges your traditional understanding. You’re more social and outgoing, and will prefer being around people who are unusual, eccentric or just very different from you. You have much more contact with other people during this time, and may be involved in group activities or working with organizations that propose new political or humanitarian objectives. You may initiate new friendships or partnerships with people who offer you a different perspective on your projects, and can now make changes in your business plans that allow you more flexibility. You may be attracted to any involvement with technology, science or electronics, and are extremely perceptive and adaptable when dealing with new techniques or theories. You may have frequent opportunities for travel throughout this year and will explore new or exotic places, although your schedule will tend to be very hectic.
I am reading a lot as usual, but my thoughts are open to more unconventional outlooks of life and I am enjoying it. My dreams are becoming more insightful as of late and its making me think more. I feel like there will be a lot of breakthroughs as summer quickly winds down and fall comes.
One of my big goals is to be more consistent with my blog again. I have grown so much in the last four years and would like to share my journey on a consistent basis. I feel my relationship with spirit and myself has grown so much in the last year. I am in a healthy relationship with a wonderful man. I have improved my health and diet. I am always eager to learn new things about what affects us as people...as spirits in this 3D world. I am learning so much about the black community. It is quite humbling because I am learning that I didn't know much. But I am quite content. It is a beautiful feeling.