Friday, August 2, 2013

Its time to Create Money!

I read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki this week. I can't believe I haven't read that book sooner. As a kid I remember seeing this on the book shelf in my parents office but never read it. I was curious about the name but not curious enough to open up the cover. Looking back I wish I did but I am glad that I read it now. It definitely is encouraging me to do what I truly want to do. I do not want to be in a rat race and I want to be financially free and educated. My parents taught me how to be a hard worker, but financially I have learned more on my own. I was never the type to splurge money and was taught that hard work will get you what you want. But I am learning now, that thinking smart and becoming more educated about how money works can work in your advantage even more. Its all mental. I am now currently asking myself a lot of questions. There are a lot of how and why questions. I may not know quite how I will get there, but the desire is there. I already ordered "Rich Dads Cash Flow Quadrant" by Robert Kiyosaki. I know he has many more recent books that are more related for today's economy and will look at that eventually. This first book was a definite eye opener. I am ready for a change. I just have to take action, NOW!

The irony in reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is that I am on a 40 day prosperity plan. I am now on Day 17 and I am proud. I am more content and understand that abundance comes from within. Your world is the result of what you say, do, and believe in. Both the book and this challenge have one thing in common. They both are mental. Its all about whats in your mind. If you train your mind, then your world can be what you want it to be.

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