Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Love Experience
Love is a sense of purpose
Love is a sense of oneness
Love is not Pain
Pain comes from the sense of need
Love comes from within.
I love Raheem :)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Irony of things
My dear friend and I were talking recently regarding the different stages you go through when meeting your twin. (something we have done quite often for several years) We discussed exactly how the experience transends beyond just physical limits. Something that on this board, the MAJORITY have spoke up about. You only need to look through old posts to see.
We are compiling a list any who would like to join in this please feel welcomed. These are not nessesarily in order due to everyone experiences them at different times.
1.) The resonance- You meat and something you just don't know what hits you. I've lived this before, I know this person from somewhere but just dont know where. Dont recognize the face but those eyes say something.......you look further.....deep inside you see a soul. Very familiar! What is this spose to mean?
2) The search- You ask people and get the odd eye strange look. Some come right out and say you are out of your mind. Others just point their finger to their temple and spin it in a circle. None the less you know you are not crazy. This really happened.
3) The quest- So you search high and low for answers to "this connection" read every book you get your hands on. You are taken into faiths and beliefs you never knew existed. You learn much, you grow much.
You realize how limited everything is you were ever taught. Everything is so new, so beautiful. You think you know what it is all about.
4) The Dance- You feel so spiritual. The universe has no limits. You bask in the beauty of the connection and all your new found knowledge. This can only mean one thing. A physical union on Earth.
5) The denial- you question your own sanity. Theres no way this could be. I can't relate to someone so haenous and ego filled. NOT MY TWIN!!! no way.
6) The syncronisities- Every where you turn you are reminded of the connection. Number paterns pop up at the oddest times. same goes for songs, messages, pictures. You have experiences that transends beyond the physical realm. Things that can't be explained and when explained you are given that odd eye psycho look.
7) Dreams- You have vivid dreams, not just about your twin but dreams filled with spiritual meaning. Some of your dreams come true. 8.) The mirror- You start getting in touch with your own spirtuality. You see the reflection of the mirror in your soul. You know that you know but don't know what to do with it.
9) The Question- You question is this all one sided?
Does the other know? Where are we going? Will we be together.
10) The teacher- You have so much to say and say it.
So much wisdom in your thoughts. The words just flow out of nowhere. Its for someone, for self for understanding and sharing.
11) The Wondering- You wonder will this end. It depletes you, leaves you drained, sad, lonely and wore out. Just when you think you have it figured out you realize you are back to square one just a little more freyed at the edges.
12) The Stillness- For some reason, you find yourself with nothing to say. You want to respond to like minded souls but the words seem lost somewhere. you feel a little empty. Almost as if your soul slumbers.
13) The Truth- Just when you think you have found out the truth, the world steps in, the cosmos step in, God divine steps, your angels, your spirit guides and perfect strangers step in only to show you theres more. Just as you grow and think you know you are shown differently grow from that and yet again you are shown. Finally you realize that the only truth you can say without a doubt is that you are not alone and the lessons keep comming.
Keep adding folks
mya from AstroStar Astrology and More
Additionally Posted 10-9-2003 07:04
14)The Surrender-You suddenly feel very small. Even helpless, to something much greater that you are. You feel as though the Source is playing with you. That you are an experiment of some sort and have no control over it. You try to fight, but you will never win. But by surrendering to this power, extraordinary beauty and growth flow very easily ( The Dance ).
15)The Answer-The overwhelming urge to share this phenomenon with the world and the desire for others to know such love. To touch others directly or indirectly so that they will realize there is more, but find it very hard to explain in mere words. It's too inexplicable
and unbelievable, but you try.
16)The Frustration-Wanting to be a part of your twin's physical life on Earth in some way.
17)The Home Plate-You feel relaxed and totally at ease. Comfortable and in harmony with your twin. You feel as though you have been far away but have come home again. You feel safe, engulfed in a warm security on familiar ground.
I'll post more as they come to me. But IMHO you have pretty well summed it up! If any of these fit into the other catagories, forgive me.
Blessings and love,
Dreamcatcher from AstroStar Astrology and More
continuing... Posted 10-9-2003 12:10
1 The Isolation-- The loneliness in your head because you have nobody to talk about it to. The difficulty in living 'normal' day to day life whilst holding this secret.
19) The Rejection of previous beliefs-- Old ways of viewing the world, religion, meaning of life no longer seem quite as true. You can feel that God is much closer than we imagine...but still everything seems a bit fuzzy.
20) Wondering why 'we' are going through this. Everybody else seems to be so 'normal' , going about their business as usual, They seem the lucky ones.
Skye from AstroStar Astrology and More
one more Posted 10-9-2003 14:59
21. The Daze. You keep looking up towards the sky,
while your conversations with God become
The Confusion - as to if this is what you think it is. If you were destined to meet why did it have to end, why was it so heavenly, why was it so intense, why couldn't it work, why did I meet this person, do they get the lesson yet. Why do I still know I'll meet them again.
The first meeting - bizarre circumstances led you to the other, unlikely events that led you to them, an instant pouring of soul love and radiance of heart. You got them and they got you, simple.
The Intensity - every minute of every day, in your thoughts, your body, your soul, your heart. the passion, the electricity. I once was told I was like 'an addiction'. The desire, the heartbreak when distance keeps you apart.
Why do People…
So I was woken up about 10 minutes ago because my next door neighbor was arguing with her boyfriend once again. It is not even 10 in the morning yet. I live on campus in "apartment style" dorm. This is the only dorm on campus where visitation is not restrictive. But I swear, if police gets involved, they are going to make the rules more restrictive. These people have explosive arguments….The girl crying and shit, dude yelling. I was woken up by this shit this morning. I don't understand why people stay with each other when they know that the relationship is toxic. Some people just cannot be alone. They are always accusing each other of messing with this person and that person. They obviously can't trust each other.
And why do people let arguments get that explosive. Now my ex and I have had our moments but he always left. This couple just continues to scream and holler at each other. Some may not know this but I can be empathetic to people, and I have learned that I have to change the channel on TV, stop listening to certain things, and not read certain things. I take a person's situation and feel what they are feeling. If you do that too much, you will end up being miserable because you are taking on their energy. Right now I am mad because I was sleep. See they keep slamming doors right now! I put on some Lloyd to calm me down.
I just hope that the neighbor eventually find the strength to leave this dude. They do not need to be with each other. I am glad that I am at a place where I am comfortable being by myself. Now don't get me wrong, I have my moments when I want a hug or just cuddle with someone special but I know that I have to be patient…it hard sometimes. There was once upon a time when I could not imagine being without my ex. But guess what, I am. I guess this is God's way of saying, would you rather be alone at a peaceful place or with someone and miserable?
I was at the park yesterday. It was a beautiful day, clear blue skies. I sat there for about an hour just taking everything in. I know it is not February but I still want a Valentine. I was just looking at the sky and thinking about what my next man was going to be like. One thing I will say is that whoever he is, he is going to be so lucky!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So Amazing
Watching these clips made me think back to when my ex told me...for you to be so musically inclined, I don't understand why you don't play any instruments. My but needs to buy guitar and keyboard bc I want to teach myself just because...I have alot of free time on my hands.
I love this song, I always was curious on how he came up with this track.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
At the time of those dreams, I was very confused. I now understand why. It is because my innerself is not a reflection on what is going on in my outerworld. There are things that I feel inside that have not yet manifested in the outerworld.
Now that I am more aware, I pay even more attention to the little things. I admit I did not quite understand when I read that I needed to get back to a place of innocence. But you know how when you are a kid, you see things for what they are...you don't judge or put things in boxes. But as you get older and are taught by your parents what you should and should not do, you began to lose your innocence but your EGO gets bigger.
To me the place of innocence is way closer to God than your ego. Because to me God loves all his children, he see things for what they are and do not judge. Children and animals are wonderful creatures...you know why? Because although children are born with EGOs, they are so innocent...You notice how they are oh so brutally honest and inquisitive. Animals imo don't even have egos and if they do, they don't use them. Animals and children are very intuitive, they can sense what alot of adults don't even try to sense.
So my unconscious was trying to get me back to that place of innocence. To awaken and become more intune with my innerself so that I can have a better understanding of the outerworld and the ones around me.
Guess who was with me on that journey in my dreams...Him.
The number 11 has alot of relevance to me this year. In numerology my birthday this year 8/19/2009 breaks down to the number 11. The number 11 is a master number of relevation, ilumination, and awareness. The spiritual messenger. On the search for the truth, the mysteries of life. Idealistic and dreamy.
When you break down 11 you get the number 2 which means harmony, partnerships, and peace.
It all makes sense.
If his Bday is correct, his birthday this year (x/xx/2009) breaks down to 11 also. Which then breaks down to 2. On our first one on one meeting...after the first time we met...was on the 11th of day of the month. Interesting.
We are not far from eachother
It's because you are close to my heart
As I am close to yours
I feel you
I smell you
I hear you
I see you
But how can that be?
You are not here...
Its because you are in my soul
But I am learning to let go
Because you will come back
I have to let go so that I can enjoy my life
Through my happiness, you will be happy
Through my joy, there will be no doubt
When there is no doubt, there will be understanding
Through my understanding, I believe
When I believe I will see...
You :)
I love this song because its motivating. Whenever you feeling down, this is a great song to pick you up. We are the authors of our life...
Close your eyes and see what you believe
The scenery in this video is beautiful...I have got to make a trip to Cali oneday.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Zodiac :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Superhuman :)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Jupiter and Soulmates....very interesting
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It takes 12 years for this planet to orbit around the sun, staying 1 year in each zodiac sign. Each person has their own birth/natal chart that are unique. From your birth chart you can do psychoanalysis of yourself and the lessons and challenges that you will face in your lifetime. Some people are hesitant about believing this, but I think that there is truth to this as I study it more and more.
From your birth chart, the planets and houses represent a certain aspect of your personality, character, lessons in life, etc…
Jupiter is of course included…
Jupiter is the planet of luck, good fortune. It rules higher learning and exploring ideas…which is why it takes 12 years to orbit around the sun. It wants us to grow and flourish. Jupiter in your chart represents where your great opportunities can be found…it shows the areas in your life where you have room to grow and get the best out of life. Jupiter is known to represent expansion and abundance.
Jupiter entered Aquarius on January 5, 2009. Aquarius is a very interesting sign and it has a huge relevance in my chart. Aquarius is the sign of the future. It’s the sign of unorthodox, liberal, progressive thinking. I see a parallel with Obama inauguration…his presidency, regardless of if you voted for him or not, have marked a huge progression on the world. If you have Aquarius in your chart, you might have some of the characteristics I described above along with being a communicator, idea person, you live in your mind. You have an interest in the study of human beings….huge humanitarians.
I admit I really did not pay much attention to the planet of Jupiter when it came to birth charts until yesterday. Lately I have shown a lot of interest in metaphysical topics. One of the topics that came up was Soulmates…plus that topic has been thrown around recently on a forum that I am part of. I felt like that was a sign that I needed to read more into it. Up until recently I never put much thought into soulmates. It’s taking me a lot to write this but I think I ran into one of mine this year…
People have a misconception of soulmates. They think that it is suppose to be that person that just makes you completely happy. You fall in love and live happily ever after. But soul mates do not even have to be someone you are “mating” with...it can be a mother figure, father figure, brother, sister, or even someone you worked with from your past. A Soulmate is just a person who you have known in your past life. Our souls never die. Our souls show up in reincarnated forms for the purpose of soul development, to learn a lesson…We have soul mates to learn something about ourselves that we have forgotten or loss touch of. Your soulmate brings out the part of you that was buried away by acting the opposite of that. That is why you attract who you attract. That is why some people are magnetic to you or vice versa….Take a look at this quick video because this guy explains it better(the first five minutes of the video is the most relevant)…I am a rookie…lol. But I have a story to tell after this.
The reason why I discuss Jupiter in detail is because it is traditionally believed that Jupiter has a lot to do with one meeting their soul mate, Jupiter is the planet of luck...right. You have the best chance of meeting your soulmate when Jupiter is housed in your sun sign, your 5th house (represents romance), and 7th house (represents marriage). Jupiter is currently in Aquarius. My sun sign is Leo but when you look at my chart, when I was born Jupiter was in Aquarius and I think that is just as relevant. On top of that, Aquarius is in my 5th house of romance.
People with Jupiter in Aquarius have a magnetic ability to win friends. They find good fortune through their friends and unexpected opportunities. Tend to be successful in jobs of the modern era, and is bored when the sole purpose is to make money. There is a special love for music and can become well known in that industry. Jupiter Aquarians bring luck to others and have great intuition when it comes to human nature and idealism.
So what am I getting to? Well I think I met one of my soulmates. If I have their birth date correct, then everything makes sense now. Why am I not sure about the birth date? I will try to explain without revealing too much because this blog is still public although not many will read it. When I was communicating through text with this person, I asked their age….they gave their sign birth month and a number….I am going to use my info as the example….The text looked like this (this is my info)….Leo August 19. At the time I was glad that they gave me it in that form because that was really what I wanted. But still I did not confirm it. Remembering that piece of information led me to do this...
The curious person in me created a birth chart based on what I knew about that person. If I ever get a chance to confirm their birth date, everything makes more sense. When I looked at their birth chart guess what their 7th house of marriage was in….Aquarius….
Also like I said before, although Jupiter is not in my sun sign, when I was born, Jupiter was in Aquarius and Aquarius is in my 5th house….Aquarius is in this person’s 7th house. These are situations it is traditionally believed that a person can meet a soulmate. Also the luckiest times of the year for Jupiter Aquarians are when the sun is in the sign of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. When I met this person, the sun was in the sign of Gemini and that person is a Gemini. If I have this person’s birth date right, then Jupiter was in Aries when they were born. Guess what my 7th house is in…Aries. So it’s like a flip flop…my Jupiter is in their 7th house and their Jupiter is in my 7th house. Jupiter Arians luckiest times are when the sun sign is in Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. And people with those sun signs bring them luck. That is interesting being that I am a Leo.
Another interesting thing is that you can find out your life path from your birth date…Your life path is what your purpose in life is suppose to be and it must be fulfilled in order for your life to be complete have true happiness. I don’t know if this have any relevance or not, but my life path number is 5 and if I have the correct birth date, their life path number is 7. My life path number means progress. Their life path number means investigator. They symbolize the inner need to find depth, meaning, and spiritual understanding.
Ever since I met this person, I have had unique dreams that I actually discussed in the blog title Intuition. I could not understand why for the life of me this person would show up in these dreams because of what they symbolized. The dreams symbolized new beginnings, tapping into the inner self to understand the ones around me, getting back to the place of innocence. If the birth date of this person is correct, their life path number 7 is all about Spirituality, the speaker of the truth…Since I have met this person I have tapped into the spiritual side of me so much, it’s ridiculous….I am shocked as I type this.
Some may say that the way I met this person was so regular, but to me it was so unique and felt calculating. The circumstances were weird and during our first meeting we barely spoke. But as I was talking to them, I started to see some parallels…We have the same first initial and the cities that we are from also have the same first initial…the states are complete opposite side of the US (wow, just thought about that) …also we were both born on cusps if their birth date is right. I was born towards the end of the Leo month, so I am a Leo with Virgo tendencies….they were born at the beginning of Gemini month so they are Gemini with Taurus tendencies. When you look at the compatibility of these two cusps, one website names it The Hand of Fate. It discuss that this pairing is a very unique in how they meet, the speed at which the relationship develops, and how they explore each other. Fate somehow plays a role in how these two pairings come together, as if they knew each other from another life. They are drawn together like a magnet even if the affair is short and intense. This person told me that they felt like us meeting was suppose to happen, I told them I felt the same way.
During our first conversation, it felt like I knew them…I don’t just get comfortable with anybody. This person told me that they also were opening up more than they normally would. This person can be intense and I was taken aback a little when I met this individual one on one. But it seem like after time progressed, they closed themselves off to me. There was a piece of information that I knew about this person from the jump based on my gut that has a lot of relevance but I will not get into it. But it is a trend that I have seen since I was in high school and there is a reason why I keep attracting it.
As you can see I and this person have a lot of parallels. Not only that but when you look at numerology which includes life path numbers, we have a lot of parallels. Although we have different birth dates, our personal months, days, and years have the same number. Your personal months, days, and years are what your personal focus is for that particular time.
I so want to tell this person what I have expressed here because they should hear it. Despite the things that I was mad about in the past, I have nothing but love for them. We share a lot of the same thoughts but we are oh so different. It’s almost like we complement each other….I remember this person kept saying we would fit like a glove. I remember asking them, why you are so sure? They expressed, “I know what I want and I am a good judge of character”. I was kind of surprised of what he picked on me from first meeting. And now I understand. I can go deeper but this is just too deep. This is not just all in my head because I have not have thoughts like this with my ex of 5.5 years who I was so in love with...but the familiarity I had with my ex, I had with this person. I think that is enough, I will confirm that birth date one day. (sigh)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Feel Good
Well my ex called me out the blue today from a friend's phone because he does not have one (not trying to say that is a bad thing). He is a great person but the longer I was on the phone with him, the more I wanted to get off it. That is a sign that I am moving on. He started talking about anything just to keep the convo going. I remember when I use to have to pull teeth to keep him on the phone bc he was not a "phone person". I had to eventually tell him I had to go.
Enough talking about that....I have been listening to this song alot. I love this group, I need to put their first CD in the car, forgot I had the darn thing :).
Then I was on youtube and ran into this video, I LOVE this song...I am bringing in back...lol
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I forgive...
A little time has passed and I am not mad anymore bc I can laugh at it now. Sometimes I look back on the situation and think, heck naw, it wasn't suppose to go down like that, but it is what is is...right? You meet many people in your lifetime, but for some reason I feel we met for a reason. Some people don't believe in fate, but I do. The cirumstances in which we met on the surface may not look unusual BUT for me it was.
Looking back, I see you as a very observing intuitive person. You seem like you take in your surroundings very well and think really fast. I was kind of surprised at how much you observed about me from the first time we met, it could have been just all talk, but I feel you were sincere at what you said. I remember you saying that our meeting eachother felt right...well it felt right for a reason, i personally think that our energies are in sync with eachother.
Do I think that you were blocking your feelings due to whatever circumstances? Yeah. Do I think that you are bothered at how I can feel you out and pick up on little things? Yeah. But hey I can't help that I am open (people somehow feel comfortable in telling me certain things about themselves they never tell many or haven't told anyone at all) and a feeler...Everybody has a story...the only way we can understand eachother (generally speaking) is if we know a person's background.
We may not even speak to eachother again although I feel like we probably will, who knows (rambling). But I don't think I will forget you. For some reason it feels as if I have known you for a very long time...
Note: This blog entry is not meant to be understood...it was for me to release thoughts.
wow..this was a personal thought...i guess its best to express it here