Friday, December 18, 2009

End of the week thoughts

My stomach hurts right now.

The week went by so fast. Before you know it, 2010 will be here. New year, new beginnings. In numerology terms, I was in year number 2, which represents partnerships. When in year two, you may meet someone or end a relationship. Also the relationship with yourself is important in year number 2. Partnerships in general are major in year two from personal to business relationships. I will have to say I agree very much that year number 2 represented partneships for me. I ended a major relationship, met new guys, one in particular that shook my world in a way that triggered changes in me forever. I met new people, especially towards the end of this year. I moved to a new territory so I was bound to meet new people. Most important my relationship with myself has changed so much! This has been the most transformative year of my life. Technically my year, when you added my birthday together came to 11, which represents a spiritual, intuitive year (but in numerology the idea is to break down the numbers to a single digit).Year number 2 is like little seeds that have been planted and are germinating. Its a quiet year full of introspection.

In numerology, 2010 for me is year number 3 which represents a more social year. You take all that you learned from year 2 and put it into action. Its a year of optimism and fun. Its very accurate bc I already know that next year is going to be a busy one. As you can see, this last month my blog entries have decreased to half the amount. Part of the reason why is because I have been more occupied, but now I are on break so I have more free time.

I am feeling some kind of way though. I guess time will heal things. I love my alone time (for every hour out with a huge crowd of people, I need 3 hours alone time...yea its that serious), its just those times when you wish you had a companion. Its like Drake said, "So I never actually am alone, I just always feel alone". I am learning that I need to work on that conflict. I love closeness but I want my freedom, my individuality...Its like I have a urge to be out and social but then I don't want to be out, I like my personal

I was on youtube and ran across these two songs, took me back to my last year of high school....well "Angel" was from high school, "I pray" was college. Did not know that I would oneday be able to relate to these songs. If Amanda Perez wrote these songs, she is a great song writer.

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